Troupe 639 is taking “Puffs” as their State One-Act again this January for the Kansas State Thespian Festival.
They have won state four times with this production, and junior Katie Morgan thinks they can keep the winning streak alive.
“Our director, Miss Barbara Hilt, says she doesn’t care about our winning streak, but we want to keep it going,” Morgan said. “I think that we really can, because we have just such solid costumes and actors.”
This comedy play is based on Harry Potter, although they can’t directly reference copyrighted materials like houses and names from the franchise.
“Don’t take anything in this show seriously,” sophomore Kort Comeau said. “It is too fast paced to focus on small details.”
Cast members noted differences between Harry Potter and “Puffs.”
“It takes things that you already know from the original story and plays it up and twists it in a different way,” Morgan said. “When I first watched the show, I thought I knew what was going to happen, but I did not.”
Freshman Camille Graber, who previously appeared in Central’s production of “The Heart of Robin Hood,” plays Leanne.
“We’re going to have fun and produce a good show,” Graber said. “I really think everyone will enjoy it, especially if they love Harry Potter. There are tiny Easter eggs all throughout the show.”
Morgan, who plays Susie Bones and Harry Potter, is familiar with the franchise. The only reason she knows how to do a British accent is because of her love for Harry Potter as a kid.
“It’s very fun to be back in that world now,” Morgan said. “Even more so in the spring when we do ‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.’ It’s a very Harry Potter year.”
“Puffs” follows the seven years of Harry Potter from the Hufflepuff perspective, which is one of the four houses from Harry Potter. Wayne, played by freshman Oscar Sheforgen, is one of the main characters.
“He thinks he’s going to be the hero boy like Harry Potter is, but he’s not,” Morgan said. “He’s kind of a big fat loser. There’s also a Voldemort character, and we call him Baldy.”
There are other roles related to characters from Harry Potter, such as a Hermione-esque character named Megan and a character named Oliver, who is similar to Ron.
Like other cast members, junior Anna Kraft has multiple roles within “Puffs.”
“I connected with Hannah and all the Puffs,” Kraft, who is involved in a number of Central productions, said. “They all have their own little quirks and aren’t the greatest at everything, but they still try their best.”
Graber also relates to her main role.
“I really connect with Leanne’s absolute obnoxiousness,” Graber said. “She says intrusive thoughts instead of thinking, which I find funny.”
Morgan credits Hilt for helping them bring these characters to life.
“[Hilt] is very good at getting us to portray the characters in our own way,” Morgan said, “separate from versions we’ve seen.”
Comeau complimented the writing.
“The script is hilarious,” Comeau said. “There are lots of jokes that are just so well developed and well written. It always makes you laugh, no matter how you’re feeling beforehand.”
Comeau, who plays Ernie Mac, said he is excited to bring his first one act to state.
“I just love everyone in the cast,” Comeau said. “It’s always such a fun environment at rehearsals.”
Comeau said he wants to continue the troupe’s success this year.
“It’s always challenging to think about all the graduates from the last couple years,” Comeau said. “I try to live up to their standards.”
Morgan is looking forward to their upcoming performance.
“It’s not just winning, it’s the feedback we get from the judges that can really help all of us in the future with other projects,” Morgan said. “I’m really excited to perform this at state and just see everyone’s reactions. I hope people love it.”